Point Of Sales For OpenCart

Point of sales for opencart is a opencart module. With no monthy fee, this module provide your sales sync between online shopping card and offline sales from your store. It support multi store too.

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Demo 4.0.2.x


Working with Barcode

Working with barcode scanner device


Easy custom receipt templates

Offline Working Mode

Able working when your interment suddenly discounnect

Multi Payment Methods

Control multi payment method for each stores

Multi Registers

Support multi registers base on each store

Cash Management

Manage cash on each registers.

Multi Stores

Support multi stores on opencart logic

Flexible Item Discount / Coupon

Discount on each item or whole current cart with custom discount

Customer Reward Point

Working with cusomer reward point, setting exchange point rate

Product Options

Support product options with type : select, multiselect, radio, checkbox

Clean Code / Easy Translate

Clean code , easy to extend


Many other interesting features in our module. Please check on demo to get more details